UNS info
19. 12. 2017.
Murder of Shefki Popova: Where is the investigation evidence?
Shefki Popova, a famous Rilindja journalist, was murdered at his doorstep in the hometown of Vucitrn on September 10, 2000. The crime was prepared carefully. The Journalists ...

15. 12. 2017.
Unconscionable investigation of journalists' abductions - A new punishment of victims
By investigating the kidnapping of Djuro Slavuj, a journalist of Radio Pristina who was kidnapped on August 21, 1998 with his colleague Ranko Perenić, the Journalists’ Association ...

13. 12. 2017.
Exclusively: Head of the US Kosovo Diplomatic Observer Mission, Shaun Byrnes - I searched for Perenic and Slavuj in vain
- When we visited the field, we came into contact with the KLA soldiers, and through them, with their commanders. We always asked them about the missing Radio Pristina crew ...

11. 12. 2017.
New York Times journalist saw Perenić's and Slavuj's vehicle
- By a coincidence, I saw a report by the Yugoslav Army on the KLA wiretapping. On the day when Ranko Perenić and Đuro Slavuj were kidnapped, the report noted: "Two packages ...

07. 12. 2017.
EULEX confirmed that Ranko Perenić and Đuro Slavuj were kidnapped by the KLA, and closed the investigations
For the first time, EULEX mission confirmed that journalists of Radio Pristina Ranko Perenić and Đuro Slavuj were detained by KLA members on August 21, 1998, and under the ...

06. 12. 2017.
UNS reveals: How murders of journalists in Kosovo were “lost”?
The Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) learned that out of 14 killed and kidnapped journalists and media workers, Kosovo Prosecution is investigating seven cases ...

09. 11. 2017.
Insensible investigations and silence in international and Kosovo institutions about crimes against journalists
The murder of a journalist and translator Aleksandar Simovic Sime, is the only one out of 14 cases of killed and kidnapped journalists and media workers in Kosovo, which EULEX ...

03. 08. 2017.
UNS uncovered another murder of journalists in Kosovo, Krist Gegaj, executed in September 1999
The Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) found that the journalist of RTV Pristina, Krist Gegaj, was killed in Istok in September 1999, three months after the arrival ...

20. 09. 2016.
“Focusing the Inclusive Lens” Workshop: The Role of Journalists Is to Report about the Reality
The theme of a two-day workshop organized by the Journalists’ Association of Serbia and UNICEF in Serbia, which concluded on 16 September in Zlatibor, was how to achieve the ...