UNS info
26. 09. 2018.
Marjan Melonashi, Journalist - Testimony of Crime Discharged
Who was Marjan Melonashi? A 179 cm-high young man, with wavy brown hair and green eyes. English language student at the University of Prishtina, a dreamer, an in loved twenty-four-year-old, with plans for marriage. A journalist, a reporter of Radio Kosovo Serbian desk.
It was September 9, 2000. At 2 pm, he completed his half-hour show, left the studio in the city center and asked for a ride from an orange taxi parked across the radio building. This was the last information about him.
Who is Marjan Melonasi? A symbol. For the last 18 years, his fate has been an outcry of impunity of crimes against journalists, terrible injustice of the ones who bring justice, and collapse of the international rule of law mission.
Discharge of the crime and pure reflection of the work of UNMIK police that launched an investigation five years after his disappearance. A scandalous document that there was no investigation file indicating that the police had questioned anyone in connection with his disappearance. No Marjan. No interrogated, no suspects, no indictees.
The abyss of pain in the chest of his mother Cica Jankovic gets deeper and deeper each day. In the endless minutes, the painful layers of despair come out of breath before the words: - What can a mother say about her child, except that she loves him?
Her testimony for the Journalists Association of Serbia (UNS) once again reminds of the hopelessness of searching for the truth about the crimes that all have turned their heads from - and nausea.
- I know that Marjan was threatened for hanging out with Serbs. He told me that, but there may have been other things too - his former colleague from Media Action International, Olivera Bernardoni Stojanović, testifies for the UNS Dossier.
- I am deeply convinced that he was kidnapped because he worked in the Serbian desk, with a Serb lady, in Serbian language, he was a normal man and tried to be a true reporter, says for the UNS Nikola Radišić, another Melonashi’s friend, who was in 1999 working in the UNMIK press office, today journalist of the N1 TV. For the Dossier 14, he also speaks how the international mission dealt with the search for criminals and the attacks he had experienced while doing his job.
All the words written in the next three sequels of the new UNS series just underline the question even more - who allowed for journalists to become double victims? Of both, criminals and judiciary.
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